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Company and Subscriptions

A Company is the fundamental organizational entity inside ML cube Platform. Users belong to a single Company and billing, licenses, and projects are all managed and created inside a Company.

The Company has an Owner with maximum privileges including billing administration. The owner can create new User accounts inside the Company assigning specific roles at the company and project level.

The information required that describe the Company are:

  • Company name
  • Address
  • VAT

The Company is created by ML cube team during the onboarding, then, during first login the Owner needs to complete the remaining information.


A Subscription is the payment arrangement where a Company pays a periodical fee to access ML cube Platform services. A Subscription has a start and an expiration date and contains the modules and quotas the Company can handle.

Quota Description
Users Maximum number of Users per Company
Tasks Maximum number of Tasks per Company excluding those in demo projects
Modules Description
Monitoring Data drift monitoring and detection for several targets and metrics. Alerts are raised when drifts are detected allowing automated the response.
Retraining Generation of retraining datasets to update AI models according to identified data drifts. Dataset is based on data distributions and leverages all the past available data.
Explainability Explainability of detected drifts to better understand what happened and how to tackle it.

Moreover, there are two types of subscriptions depending on where ML cube Platform is used:

  • Cloud

    Standard SaaS plan to use ML cube Platform hosted on ML cube cloud infrastructure. With Cloud subscription the users can use Web Application and SDK to interact with ML cube Platform and to use its services. Data can be stored on ML cube Private Cloud Storage.

  • Edge

    Edge subscriptions are used, as the name suggests, for edge devices that hosts ML cube Platform Edge. A common use case is an industrial machinery computer that runs AI algorithms. Edge subscriptions are validated via Product Key and are uniquely linked to a specific edge device.