Below, you will find a guide that will help you create the credentials and configure the permissions that ML cube will use to access your resources on the supported cloud providers.
Creating the credentials¶
The ML cube Platform can assume an IAM Role on your AWS Account, that can be used to authorize actions on specific resources.
You will need to create the credentials through the ML cube Platform SDK or the web application.
The following code will create a set of AWS credentials for an IAM Role called YOUR_ROLE_NAME
(change this as desired).
Now, log into your AWS account and open the AWS console. Here, go to the IAM service, navigate to the Roles section and create a new role. It is important to set the trust policy to the one you just obtained.
Right now, your IAM Role grants no permissions. Please refer to the next sections that will explain how to set up IAM Policies for S3, Event Bridge and so on.
To revoke access, simply delete the role or change the trust policy.
The ML cube Platform can operate in your GCP Account through the creation of a dedicated Service Account. You will then be able to assign one or more IAM Roles to this Service Account, to allow the ML cube Platform to perform specific actions.
To configure a Service Account for ML cube Platform, log into your GCP account, select the correct project and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. Now we will enter some commands that will create the Service Account with the required permissions. A description of each command is provided to help you understand its purpose.
# Change this according to your project
export GCP_PROJECT=my-project
# Creates a service account called ml3PlatformServiceAccount
gcloud iam service-accounts create ml3PlatformServiceAccount --display-name "ML3 Platform Service Account"
# Generates the access key that will be used to authenticate as the service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ml3-platform-key.json --iam-account=ml3PlatformServiceAccount@$
# Displays the access key to the terminal screen
cat ml3-platform-key.json
Copy the JSON object containing the key and save it to a file with the same name on your disk. Now, you will need to create the GCP credentials, either through the SDK or the web application, and provide the contents of the JSON file you just created.
The following code will create a set of GCP credentials that will be able to access the service account.
Right now, your IAM Role grants no permissions. Please refer to the next sections that will explain how to set up IAM Policies for Google Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub and so on.
The ML cube Platform can operate in your Azure Account through the creation of a dedicated Service Principal. You will then be able to assign one or more Roles to this Service Principal, to allow the ML cube Platform to perform specific actions.
To configure a Service Principal for ML cube Platform, log into your Azure account, select the correct project and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. Set the Cloud Shell to use bash instead of powershell. Now we will enter the following command that will create the Service Principal.
Once the operation finishes running, it will output a JSON object with the following fields: appId
, displayName
, password
and tenant
. Copy this object and save it to a file on your disk, for example azure-credentials.json
Now, you will need to create the Azure credentials, either through the SDK or the web application, and provide the contents of the JSON file you just created.
The following code will create a set of Azure credentials that will be able to access the service account.
with open('path/to/azure-credentials.json', 'r') as f:
creds_json =
azure_creds = client.create_azure_integration_credentials(
default=True, # Set these credentials as the default to use when not specified
The ML cube Platform can be connected to AWS compatible services through security credentials.
For example, to use's S3-compatible storage, you can use the username and password of your's user as the security credentials. You also need to provide the endpoint where your instance can be reached. You will need to create the credentials through the ML cube Platform SDK or the web application.
The following code will create a set of AWS-compatible credentials.
aws_compatible_creds = client.create_aws_compatible_integration_credentials(
default=True, # Set these credentials as the default to use when not specified
If endpoint_url
is set to None
, these credentials can be used to access AWS itself as an IAM User.
Using AWS-compatible credentials to access AWS itself is discouraged, and should only be used in special cases where you are not able to use an IAM Role.
Storage integration¶
Log into your AWS account and open the AWS console, then go to the IAM service and navigate to the Policies section. Here, we will create an IAM Policy.
The following policy will grant read access to objects in the my-company-data-bucket
to the IAM entity it is attached to.
Once the IAM Policy has been created, navigate to the Roles section, select the IAM Role you previously created and finally attach the IAM Policy to it.
Log into your GCP account, select the correct project and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. Now we will enter some commands that will create an IAM Role with the required permissions, bind it to the service account you previously created, and grant access to the bucket. A description of each command is provided to help you understand its purpose.
# Change these according to your project and bucket
export GCP_PROJECT=my-project
export GCP_BUCKET=my-company-data-bucket
# Creates an IAM Role called ml3PlatformStorageRole for your project, with read permissions on buckets and objects in the storage service
gcloud iam roles create ml3PlatformStorageRole --project=$GCP_PROJECT --title="ML3 Platform Storage Role" --description="Role that allows the ML cube Platform to access storage resources in a project" --permissions=storage.buckets.get,storage.buckets.list,storage.objects.get,storage.objects.list --stage=ALPHA
# Adds the IAM Role to the previously created service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT --member=serviceAccount:ml3PlatformServiceAccount@$ --role=projects/$GCP_PROJECT/roles/ml3PlatformStorageRole
# Allows the service account we created to access the given bucket with the objectViewer role
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:ml3PlatformServiceAccount@$ gs://$GCP_BUCKET
Log into your Azure account and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. The following command will associate the previously created Service Principal with a role that is able to read data from a given blob container.
# Change these according to your project and storage configuration
export SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID=my-sp-app-id
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=my-azure-subscription-id
export RESOURCE_GROUP=my-azure-resource-group
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT=my-storage-account
export BLOB_CONTAINER=my-blob-container
az role assignment create --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID --role "Storage Blob Data Reader" --scope /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$STORAGE_ACCOUNT/blobServices/default/containers/$BLOB_CONTAINER
Log into your AWS S3 compatible service and set up a policy that allows to access objects in the bucket of your choice.
The following policy will grant read access to objects in the my-company-data-bucket
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Adjust the policy according to the specifics of the S3-compatible service you are using.
Make sure the policy is attached to the user whose credentials you are going to configure as AWS-compatible credentials in the ML cube platform.
Retrain events integration¶
Log into your AWS account and open the AWS console, then go to the IAM service and navigate to the Policies section. Here, we will create an IAM Policy.
The following policy will allow an IAM Entity to put events in a specific event bus.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Replace <REGION>
with your desired values.
Once the IAM Policy has been created, navigate to the Roles section, select the IAM Role you previously created and finally attach the IAM Policy to it.
Log into your GCP account, select the correct project and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. Now we will enter some commands that will create an IAM Policy with the required permissions, bind it to the service account you previously created, and grant access to the Pub/Sub topic. A description of each command is provided to help you understand its purpose.
# Change these according to your project and topic
export GCP_PROJECT=my-project
export GCP_TOPIC=my-topic
# Adds a new IAM Policy to the previously created service account, granting publish access to the Pub/Sub topic
gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_TOPIC --member=serviceAccount:ml3PlatformServiceAccount@$ --role=roles/pubsub.publisher
Log into your Azure account and open the Cloud Shell. You can find the button to open it in the upper-right corner of the page. The following command will associate the previously created Service Principal with a role that is able to publish events to an Event Grid topic.
# Change these according to your project and storage configuration
export SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID=my-sp-app-id
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=my-azure-subscription-id
export RESOURCE_GROUP=my-azure-resource-group
export TOPIC_ID=my-topic
az role assignment create --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID --role "EventGrid Data Sender" --scope /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/$TOPIC_ID