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Topic Modeling

The Topic Modeling module enables categorization of documents based on their content. It identifies groups of words that frequently appear together, referred to as topics, and associates them with documents. The ML Cube Platform supports Topic Modeling for text data structures. However, for RAG tasks, this feature is available only under the Subrole: RAG User Input.


Imagine an e-commerce company. The Topic Modeling module could identify commonly co-occurring words, such as affordable price, product quality, delivery experience, and customer service support. By examining these topics, the company can gain insights into areas where customers are satisfied or dissatisfied and perform targeted improvements.

SDK Example

The following code shows how to start a Topic Modeling job and retrieve its results.

# Start the topic modeling asynchronous job
topic_modeling_job_id = client.compute_topic_modeling_report(

# Wait for the job to complete

# Retrieve all topic modeling reports
topic_modeling_reports = client.get_topic_modeling_reports(task_id=task_id)

# Access details of a specific report
topic_report = client.get_topic_modeling_report(

Topic Modeling Report

The Topic Modeling Report provides a comprehensive analysis of identified topics and associated documents. After providing a general overview, the report includes two sections: Visualization and Sample Viewer.


The ML cube Platform supports two visualization options.


The Timeseries shows how topics evolve over time, revealing temporal trends. Documents are grouped into time intervals, the x-axis displays timestamps, while the y-axis shows the topic proportions as percentages, thus the height indicates the percentage of samples associated with that topic at a given time. From the figure below, it is possible to see how the prevalence of topics changes over time.

Topic Modeling Timeseries
Topic Modeling Timeseries: visualization of topic distribution over time.

Scatter Plot

The Scatter Plot helps identify topic clusters and their distribution in the reduced space, revealing patterns and relationships among the samples. Text data is high-dimensional, making it difficult to visualize. The ML Cube Platform uses dimensionality reduction techniques to visualize the embeddings. The axes show the selected dimensions, which you can adjust using the dropdown menu. Each point represents a document, and its color indicates the topic it belongs to.

Topic Modeling Scatter
Topic Modeling Scatter: dimensionality reduction of the embeddings.

Sample Viewer

This section provides detailed information about each document, represented by rows. The Sample Viewer includes the following fields:

Field Description
Sample Id Unique identifier of the sample, in this case represented by the document.
Timestamp Timestamp of the document expressed in seconds.
Topic Set of related co-occurring words, extracted from the document.
User Input The user query submitted to the system.
Retrieved Context The context that the retrieval system has selected to answer the query.
Prediction The final response of the system to the query.